
Gene expression databases

+ Immgen

Explore the most comprehensive database of gene expression signatures and modules, regulatory elements, their connectivity, and factors that control murine immune cells.

+ Haemosphere

In Haemosphere you can find multiple human and mouse RNA-seq datasets of gene expression on different haematopoietic cell types.

+ Fantom5

Comprehensive atlases of mammalian promoters, enhancers, lncRNAs and miRNAs.

RNA-seq data from wild-type and LRRC8C-KO CD4 T cells

Protocol information: Purified CD4+ T cells from WT and Lrrc8c-/- mice were isolated from the spleen and left unstimulated or stimulated with plate-bound anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies in 12-well plates for 24h and 48h. Additionally, WT CD4+ T cells were stimulated in the presence of 20 micromolar DCPIB (VRAC inhibitor). A total of 24 samples were analyzed by RNASeq.

Join our Ion Channel & Transporters in Immunity (ICTI) Community

+ ICTI Seminar Series

The ICTI Seminar Series is part of the ICTI program at New York University whose goal is to understand the basic mechanisms by which ICTs regulate the function of immune cells and immune responses to infections, tumors, and in autoimmune disorders.

+ Channels & Transporters in Immunity FASEB Conference

Join us at the FASEB Science Research Conference on Channels & Transporters in Immunity in St. Paul, MN, June 16-20, 2024.

The University of Chicago. 929 E 57th St., GCIS Bldg. Room: W219G. Chicago IL 60637

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